15 Harmful Side Effects Of Mobile Phones On Humans


side effects of mobile phone

1. Tinnitus ( Ringing in the ear )

Tinnitus is a ringing or clicking type of sound in the ears like key or tick tick kind of sound in the ear. Cell phone addiction can result into ear drum damage.  

2. Increases the risk of eye vision ( Computer vision syndrome )

With cell phone addiction in it increases the risk of vision problem or also known as computer vision syndrome.

While using the cell phone for a long time constantly straining on eyes which result into eye vision problem.

3. Increases the risk of chronic pain 

 If we uses the smartphone continue for a long time it increases the risk of chronic pain like literally texting and you sitting in a particular posture which also known as I posture which can result into pain in thumb , elbow etc. 

4. Nomophonia

 Nomophonia is a type of disease in which like there is no phone and so the person start worrying it which results into increased stress and stress can itself have lots of other side effects.

5. Damage to skin

  After using a smartphone for hours it start side effect on skin. So when the is using a cell phone there radiations and  the cell phone get heat up so that condemn is the cells of skin. 

6. Can Cause Cancer 

  If we use smartphone non-stop it can cause cancer but type of cancer like glioma , I acoustic neuroma , meningioma basically a brain cancer it's the study have been done on this and still more studies are going on this. 

Glioma is an acrostic neuroma these like it's a tumor of of cranial nerves. Cell phone emits radio frequency waves which it damages the brain tissue.

7. Sleep problems- May cause Insomnia

 By using mobile continuously it causes sleep problem ( Insomnia ) and disturbs the sleep cycle. To much uses of mobile is very unhealthy for humans and this is a big major problem find in over addictive cellphone user. 

8. Depression

When you Study have seen cellphone causes makes person a more prone to depression and anxiety. 

9. Memory loss 

 Anxiety and depression causing lows self steem cellphone results into memory loss and increase reaction time. Person is there is using cell phone for everything like for making a small notes or to even a smaller calculation so he become totally dependent on that so it increases and he stops using his own mind and brain.

# side effects of mobile phone

10. Social & Behavioral effects 

There is a particular stimulus so person is not able to react fast. It harms the social and behavioral effects it. It can make some people introvert or  attention deficit hyperactivity.

Disorder commonly seen in a children's where the kids become very hyperactive  

11. Very dangerous things like accidents on road

Cellphone addiction is very dangerous specially on roads either you are taking on phone crossing the road while texting or you are driving. 

12. Disturb other people a lot

 Cell phone addiction not only disturb user it disturb the other people too. Some rude people who speak loudly in public places particularly  in libraries , trains and theaters. 

13. Cardiac problems

It can also cause cardiac problem like palpitation when cellphone rings of particular tone come so the person wake up from asleep or the person disturbed so he may get some palpitation.

14. Increases the risk of infection

 It also can increases the risk of infection. The incessant touching of your phone can harbour germs on your handset. The greasy , oily residue you may see on your cell phone. After a day you can contain more disease prone germs than those found on a toilet seat.

15. Electromagnetic interference 

  Cell phone can interfere with other devices like a heart patient who is on pacemaker or who has an implantable defibrillator or person who is on hearing. So it can interfere with other devices because of its radio frequency waves ignition. 


People even early morning going to freshen up they're also using their cell phone they're highly addicted to cellphone like they can't spend even one or two minutes without their cellphone which I think is not good for people. 

Therefore, limit the use of cellphone and stay safe. 

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