What is Area 51 and what goes on there?

area 51
image source - google | images by  -  BBC NEWS

 Area 51 is common name highly classified united state air force located with in the nevada test and training range and the facility officially called  homey airport or groom lake. And here was area 51 made in 1955 initially there was no rumours here that research on alien goes on . It is started when a space craft crashed in mexico then by coloring that space craft and sent to area 51 . 

image source - google | images by - Matthew Jackson      

Only then it is believed that US military researches on aliens and by that they believed that they perform reverse engineering in area 51 and also available a black and white image of space craft but not clarify that its real or edited image . 

When the space craft accident occurred and it  spread in a small area that US military research on alien and this news cannot spread on large scale 

image source - google | images by- SMITHSONIANMAG

 Rumrous started on large scale when some people who work in area 51 are started leak the pics and US military fastly arrest the people who leak the images and here people started believing that they wanted tell us about the alien but arrested by US military . Basically  if anyone leak the images of restricted area so it will be arrest because the risk of national security . The photos which as leaked of area 51 and people who analysis the photos they reported many thing as he say something flying in the sky of area 51 like space craft , UFO and during the same time period a russian satellite viral the photos of area 51 and local public there believes that they have seen something flying in sky . And that's why overall we can say that  there is  definitely some strange in area 51. 

UFO image
image source - google | images by- India.com Staff

Because  of which this is more famous and even there are some  people who claimed that he used to work in area 51 plus they say the alien where they brought were treated and researched . And there are some people who claimed on UFO technology and claimed on fuel 


On around september 2019 facebook event was organized and he was named strom area 51 in which the people were appealed to gather near area 51 and forcibly try to entre inside area 51 . Because of that ,  they  believed  that if they come in a very big bunch and try to entre in area 51 . So military can not kill the normal people 

area 51
image source - google | images by-  

 Millions of people had signed that petition and nearly 200 people had reached and there the military explained to them and the maximum people gone home but there are two people here who were stubborn very much and hey wanted to forcefully entre and they were finally arrested and here comes the biggest question , it is research on that area 51 on alien or not . The US government had revealed this a few years ago he ran a research operation 10 to 15 years ago to find UFO and aliens That was unknown to the whole world and this thing has now revealed.   



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