Space Facts: Amazing and Incredible Facts About Space

          Space Facts: Amazing and Incredible Facts About Space

extraordinary space facts


   Our solar system is 4.6 billion old . Previously our solar system  had only meteoroids but after some collison and condensation our planet started to form and the planet earth , venus , mars , mercury are made of meteoroids jupiter , saturn , uranus , neptune , made from gaseous . Pluto is a rocky planet lastly in our solar system and we are still confused that pluto is a part of our solar system ? pluto has been not put in the category of planet  yet and is seen as a dwarf planet . There is more planet in our solar system like iris and its bigger then pluto.

solar system
Solar System

# FACT NO 2 

   Venus is to windy planet and the speed of that winds is 50% more than the  venus is rotation speed . The winds reaching speeds of up to 85 m/s ( 300 km/h )  . The strom keeps coming here in 5 to 6 days .



   We know pluto is small . Do you know pluto is diameter is less than the width of the US . Pluto is surface area is less than the russia is surface area . Pluto was discover in 1930. 



    Aurora dazzling light of  northen and southern hemisphere . To see that people come from far and in hard cold . This lights is actually solar winds which come from the surface of sun and the light is so beautiful. 

aurora lights
Aurora lights


   Pluto even it's a small planet but this planet also has volcano and mountain where the burning lava come  out in earth is volcano and mountain . That's pluto volcano produce frozen ice water which is under high pressure in volcanoes and when this pressure is high than it produce from volcano in the form of frozen ice . 


 # FACT NO 6

    Scientists have tried to find out for centuries how big this universe is but there is no end of universe  that come from conclusion .


We have came to know about it size from recent technology and its size is 93 billion light year but in 1929 edwin powell hubble discover that universe is expand at very fast rate .
expanding universe


DO you know guys ? russia cosmonauts takes gun into space because they think on the time of landing on earth if they land in the forest of siberia where bears in forest . So for their protection they carry  gun in space . 


   People who still don't believe in aliens let me tell them our galaxy has a hundred billion solar system . Our galaxy is not only the galaxy in the universe . There are many hundred galaxies in the universe which our eyes  can't see . Won't life be on one of these galaxies . 


  # FACT NO 9                                        

 Our ocean are so big in which people from all over the get inside but jupiter has such a big ocean in which our whole world will come but still there will be space left . It has no water like earth this ocean is filled with pure mettalic hydrogen and the depth of this ocean is more than our circumference of earth . 


 # FACT NO 10  

     There are many volcano on earth land and also on water . But the biggest volcano of our solar system is not on earth , but on mars and its name is olympus mons or its base is wide as the US state of arizona and its height is 3 times more than mount everest . 


 # FACT NO 11

      Our galaxy has a planet several light years away from earth which is made of whole diamond or its name is 55 cancrie which is called by super earth and 2 times larger than our earth which is totally made from graphite and diamond . 

super earth
Super Earth

 # FACT NO 12

    One day on venus is equal to 243 years and  one year is equal to 225 days . This happen because the faster it rotates on his axis , the more it travel around the sun . 

# FACT NO 13

   Our galaxy has a type of planet where the glass rain 24/7 hours with a speed of 4300 miles per hours . 


 # FACT NO 14

    Do you know that how many earth can fit in the sun . 1.3 million earth to fill up the sun that's means a lot of earth . The sun makes up 99.86 of the mass of the solar system . Sun is very- very big as compared to earth . 


 # FACT  NO 15

     Pluto is a small but its orbit is very big infact is two time bigger than the earth orbit . And inside it is 20 layers whole are super cold and condensed. 

solar system

# FACT NO 16

    Venus is hottest planet of our solar system because it always rain acid and its temprature is always more than 500 degree celsius . 


# FACT NO 17 

    The international space station is the most expensive commodity ever made by human and its cost is dollar 150 billion . 

international space station
Space Station

 # FACT NO 18

     People living in  the international space station watch about 16 sun rises in one day which are seen due to the   speed of 27,424 km/h of  international space station . 


# FACT NO 19

   Do you know that how much time take a astronaut wear a space suits which have to warmed , cooled pressurised and supplied with fresh air . This take six hours  for them to put on 

 # FACT NO 20

    On 15 august 1977 a unknown signal came to earth from space that is called WOW ehich was caught by dr. jerry ehman . At first it was considered a signal sent by alien but later on doing a lot of research it turns out that a comet come from the face of earth and it was not a spaceship signal 


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