Top 6 Amazing adsense approval trick in 2021 for blogger and Wordpress

adsense approval trick

Hello everyone today in this article you will see some tips and tricks after which which you will definitely get google adsense approval. We often do such a mistake like not take top level domain , not proper theme customization and some important pages.

Due to which we do not get adsense approval for a long time. If you follow all these tips then you will definitely get adsense approval. So our first tip is -

# Tip No 1

adsense approval trick

     If you want to get your website approved quickly then first of all you should have a top level domain like .in , .com etc and this domain should be accompanied by SSL certificate. Nowdays web hosting company is giving you free SSL certificate with domain and if you us blogger then the certificate is automatically enabled in it. 

But in the free domain you will not get adsense approval in 1 and half month but you will get approval in 4 to 5 months in the blogspot. 

# Tip No 2

adsense approval trick

     You should have to use  responsive and light theme.  There are many people who create a new blog and they have a keen desire to make their blog attractive. The  color of your theme is light the sooner it will rank on google  and the chances of getting goggle adsense approval will be slightly higher. 

You choose your theme in such a way that it is too light and not designing in it and do not pate heavy images in the background of the theme. So you have to keep your theme responsive and light.  

# Tip No 3

adsense approval trick

     If you have to taken a top level domain and have a good light and responsive theme. Then you have to write at least 20 to 25 unique articles and and keep at least 500 words for each article. 

But in 300 words google will also get you the approval but if you write 500 words of article then the impact is more. In the article you must use images which should be non-copyright this can cause problem to your website. 

So you download the free images and put in the article and you have to write a unique article there may be plagiarism of 10 to 15 % but you should take care that you write a unique article.

# Tip No 4 

adsense approval trick

    You have to take special care that you must create pages about your website like contact us , privacy policy, disclaimer and make an XML page of a site map. If you have made all the pages but have not made the privacy policy then you will not get google adsense approval

The page of the privacy policy is very important. You can make this page very easy. So make this pages if you want google adsense approval. 

# Tip No 5

     If you have done all this then let your blogger website one month old and after that you try for google adsense. For example If you have written 20 to 25 articles in a week and after then you have apply for google Adsense approval then you will get google adsense approval. 

So you have to keep in mind that your website will be one month old  you have to apply for google adsense because google sees how old is your website is or only this user only wants to take adsense while updating your website will have to stay which will make google feel regular work is being done on the website. 

# Tip No 6

adsense approval trick

     If you want to see traffic to your website then for that you create your social account and share your website on social media platform which will bring traffic to your website. You should search for keywords whose demand is more so that viewers cam come to your website.

You can create a backlinks for your website it will help to bring traffic to your website. Keep in mind that you do not have buy traffic you will get it cheaper. It will not be a benefit but it will be your loss and you should try to get your organic traffic only. 


I think these tips and tricks will help you a lot in getting google adsense approval. If you follow all these tricks then you will definitely get approval of google adsense. All you have to do design your website properly and write a unique article on good content. 

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