Air Pollution Facts, Causes and the Effects on living organisms.

air pollution

 # What is air pollution

     Air pollution occurs when the air is contaminated with any chemical , physical or biological agents and which discomfort or harm the life of  human and other organisms , or damage the natural environment system in the atmosphere. 

It leading millions of deaths around the world around each year although anyone can be effect by air pollution people who are most vulnerable include the elderly children and people with chronic lung or heart diseases. 

# Causes of Air Pollution

air pollution

➧Air pollution are two type-

   Outdoor air pollution: The outdoor air pollution air can be polluted by natural or human sources natural or biogenic sources of air pollution include pollen bush fires or dust from deserts. Pollution from the air from human sources also called anthropogenic air pollution is commonly due to industries  burning of fire fossils fuels and the us of motor vehicles there are hundred of types of air pollutants.


➧ Particular matter is a complex mixture of small particles and liquid droplets that are mainly from industry or motor vehicles exhaust dust storms or bush fire can also generate large amount of PM particulate matter is classified according to diameter of particle the health effects of particulate matter are mostly due to particle that are less than 10 micrometers in diameter these reaches to the deepest part of our lungs and enter to the blood stream.

air pollution

➧Toxic metal such as lead , cadmium and copper. 

➧Carbon monoxide is colourless , odourless , non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas , coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon dioxide. 

➧Carbon monoxide a green house gas emitted from combustion but it also a gas vital to living organisms. it is a natural gas in atmosphere. 

➧Radioactive pollutants produced by nuclear explosions , war explosives , and natural processes such as the radioactive decay of radon.

➧Nitrogen oxide especially nitrogen dioxide are emitted from the high temperature combustion. Can be seen as the brown haze above or plume downwind of cities Nitrogen dioxide is reddish-brown toxic.

Indoor pollution:

➧ Indoor air quality effected by outdoor air the quality of indoor air can be significantly different this is because there could be many sources of indoor pollutants the most common sources of indoor pollution in the world is solid fuel like wood , chracoal dung or crop waste that are used for cooking or heating around the world over three billion people use simple stoves or open fire to cook or heat their homes.

➧This methods are inefficient and can lead to generation of pollutants like particular matter which can be result in concentration indoors of up to 100 times more than that of the outdoor air other sources include tobacco , smoke chemical released from buildings furnishing and house hold products pesticides asbestos containing insulation and products used for house hold cleaning 

air pollution

Health Effects:

air pollution

 ➧The world health organization state that 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution , with 1.5 million of these deaths attributable to indoor pollution 

➧Cities around the world with high exposure to air pollutants have the possibility of children living within them to develop asthma , pneumonia , and other lower respiratory infection as well as low initial birth rate.

➧Diwali crackers should be ban and ban use of tobacco and industries should use modern technologies to destroy pollutants or choose non-toxic material to manufactures goods.

➧Animals and plants entire ecosystem can suffer from effect of air pollution. Air pollutioncan directly contaminate the surface of bodies of water and soil.

The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environment such as streams , lakes and marshes it can be harmful for fish. 

Prevention from air pollution 

air pollution

➧Bag houses design to handle heavy dust loads , a dust collector consists of a blower , dust filter, a filter cleaning system and  a dust receptacle or dust removal system.

➧Mechanical collectors ( dust cyclones multicyclones )

➧Diwali crackers should be ban and ban use of tobacco and industries should use modern technologies to destroy pollutants or choose non-toxic material to manufactures goods.

➧Reduce or ultimate fireplace and wood stove use.

➧Avoid burning of leaves , trash and other materials or recycle and reuse is best way to reduce any type of pollution.

➧Avoid the  use plastic material like bag it can be very harmful for our environment and use the paper bags or cloth bag is a good alternative o reduce air pollution.

➧The gas emitted through fire in home and factories are extremely dangerous for us. Use the chimneys for reduce the effect of dangerous gas. 

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