Amazing Weird Facts About Earth To Remind You Why It's The Best

Facts about earth

 # Fact no 1

     Do you know ? what is the age of earth is 4.54 billion years and now you think that how did scientists calculate the age of earth . This is measured by radiometric dating . This is such a technique that scientist can tell the age of any stone and oldest stone found is 4.54 billion old .
earth is age

# Fact no 2

   The rotation of earth is gradually slowing down slightly with time. Thus , a day was shorter in the past this is because the moon is slip away from earth about 3.78 cm/years due to this earth rotation is slow . 400 years ago there was only 7 hours in one day.

solar system

# Fact no 3

    Earth is orbit the sun in solar system and the revolution speed of the earth is 30 km/sec.

solar system

# Fact no 4

     Earth is average temperature is 16 degree celsius but on the earth , There are many places where temperature much higher than normal . On 10 july 1913 death valley , united state recorded highest temperature nearly 66.7 degree celsius and the lowest temperature is -89.2 degree celsius which was recorded on july 21 1983 vostok station russia .    

death valley

# Fact no 5

     One study found there is about one gram of gold for every 100 million metric ton of ocean water at the atlantic and north pacific . There is also undissolved gold on the seafloor.  

ocean wave

# Fact no 6

     Sahara desert is the biggest desert in world and its temperature is 50 degree celsius above but you know snowed in the Sahara desert for 30 minutes on the 18th february 1979.

Sahara desert snow fall

# Fact no 7

     Murmansk is the largest  city in the artic circle. So many people spend so long in near - perpetual darkness. In the dark city the sun doesn't rise for 40 days. 

Murmansk city

# Fact no 8

     Mount Everest is not the tallest mountain in the world. Hawaiian mauna kea has an attitude of 13,795 feet above sea level. However , the biggest part of the volcano rests below sea level . So, if measured from the base to the summit , mauna kea is 33,475 feet which is 4,445 feet taller than everest.

Hawaiian mauna kea

# Fact no 9

   Fresh water represents only 3% of all water on earth . The ocean and seas hold 97% of , but its softly ocean water not suitable for drinking. The remaining 3% of total fresh water is held in glacier 70% and lake 20%. 


# Fact no 10 

    The world is oldest temple is about twelve thousand years old. Gobekli tepe , the oldest known temple , is located in south turkey. Researchers believe that the carving on the pillars prove that roughly eleven thousand years ago a comet strike caused a sudden temperature drop on our planet.  

Gobekli tepe

# Fact no 11

     Most of our planet always lies in the dark. As we know the world oceans occupies 71% of our planet surface. The depth of the water exposed to sunlight is no more than 655 feet , so the rest of water is permanently in dark. 

water bubbles

# Fact no 12

     The earth gravity is unequal because the globe isn't a prefect sphere , its mass is distributed unevenly. And uneven mass means slightly uneven gravity . Gravitational anomaly is in the husdon bay of canada.


# Fact no 13

     In a science research researchers found that a reservoir of water is hidden in the earth mantle core , more than 400 miles below the surface.  

earth is mental core

# Fact no 14

    The earliest life on earth might have been just s purple as its green today a scientist claims. Ancient microbes might have used a molecule other than chlorophyll to harness the sun rays, one that gave the organism a violet hue.

purple earth

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