How to Start a successful Gaming Channel on YouTube | 2021 Pro Tips


How to start gaming channel on youtube

Hello everyone today you will know everything that how to start a successful gaming channel. For gaming there are some important tips you have to remember. Lets start from 0 to 100% if you follow this tips so definitely your channel will grow in only 1 month. 

# Point No 1

how to start gaming channel on youtube

     What mistake mostly people do by the time of creating a new channel. The first mistake did take a wrong name for their channel and wrong logo. I tell you with an example like people make their channel name like rahul verma so youtube itself cannot detect channel category was as then after changed that name rahul verma to tech knowledge then get to some boost in channel. 

So first you have to use word like gaming or word related to gaming like streaming , streamers from which  youtube algorithm also get to know about your channel name. If you choose a good name then chance of getting better audience will increase

# Point No 2
how to start gaming channel on youtube

    If you choose a better name than also a apply a better logo for channel make your own identity now many people what do? Many people do like they apply photo of PUBG , make your own unique logo to make you stand out from the rest.

# Point No 3

how to start gaming channel on youtube

In the about section you have to fill those things which you get in your channel means user gets whenever someone new comes on channel and search what do you get on the channel. So it will be able to see easily and will engage with channel or your content.  

# Point No 4

      Currently the new gamer are doing commonly a mistake. They have 0 subscribers and they think they can't able to go live everyone doubts is why is why they cannot able to go liveso what did they do they use any 3rd party application and try to do livestream.

how to start gaming channel on youytube

Because YT has clearly you can not go live till you goes to 1000 subscriber. Let me tell you whenever you start a new gaming channel they don't take dream for streaming 0 subscribers. Unless you have 1000 subscriber , you own people are not seeing you so what is the benefit of going live. 

Why you are waste your 2 to 4 hours. A starting gaming channel get hardly 2 - 3 % audience attention. So you don't have to go live in starting because live stream not only effect audience but also you have to work hard and you don't get benefit

You have to make only 5 - 10 minutes short clips means play around two hour but take out the main -main scene and cover it in 5-10 minutes and will make these type of videos. These video showing the main highlight of your complete live stream. You can also tell new tricks.

# Point No 5

how to start gaming channel on youtube

You have to upload around 30 to 60 videos in one month minimum 30 or maximum 60. You do not upload videos more than 60. If you are uploading 30 to 60 videos in starting it means you are working very well.

# Point No 6

how to start gaming channel on youtube

This point is so important because like you made a channel of PUBG here you are starting doing gaming. You have the skill but did your complete team have skill according to me if you want to do live stream and this is the main problem or issue you have. You have to choose an expert team they are expert in their field like driving a car in PUBG or another he can knock good. So this was a unity need among all 4 of us.

And you have to see in which field your team is particular active one drive better , one knock better or one fire better so you have to remember this things. You have to look your team mate in advance.

# Point No 7
how to start gaming channel on youtube

This point is also most important any duration video you have made either 1 hrs to 2 hrs but the main part in any video which will go first to any users means we used o say first impression is the last impression.

So first impression goes to user that its thumbnail. If it thumbnail is not good than whether how much your live stream is good user will think what rubbish is this. So carefully in big gaming channel like dynamo , carriminati or any other big channel but if you see their thumbnail which are very amazing they highlight only main  part from complete live streaming. You have to do some and make a perfect thumbnail take time of 1 to 2 hours but make the kind of thumbnail when you see it you it your self.

# Point NO 8

     You and me both know there is not only 1 gaming channel in youtube. Many channels are there but you have to do something different from them so that any particular user will engage with you. 

If you follow this tips than definitely your channel grow fast. So best of luck.

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  1. Thanks for the knowledge sir.
    I also want to create a gaming channel (Pubg lite).


Hello, I'm Rahul and I am an engineer. I have shared the knowledge about the technology , games , gadget , etc . If you have any doubt . Please let me know .