Black hole | Definition, Formation, Theories & Facts

what is black hole

 1. What is a black hole ?

         Black holes are one of the mysterious thing in existence . A black hole is a region where gravity is so high that even a light cannot pass through it because the gravity of black hole is to much high than earth . Block hole has many secrets .In ( 1724 - 1793 ) john michell had expressed his views on the black hole who was a teacher at cambridge . Then after , In 1976 pierre simon a french scientists has write abou black hole in her book the system of  black hole.

black hole image
Black hole

 I am here to give some basic knowledge about the black hole that how they formed , what happen if a person goes into black hole , does time exist in black hole and many more question. 

First you need to know about escape velocity . In simple language escape velocity means minimum speed required to escape the gravitational infulence of a body . Since escape velocity depends on the mass of the planet . like sirius b ( a dwarf  planet star ) has highest escape velocity 5,200 km/sec and escape velocity of our earth is 11.2 km/sec and moon has no gravity so its escape velocity is 2.38 km/sec . 

2. How black hole is formed ?

     If you want know how black hole are formed then you should need to  know that how stars are formed . The process of star formation is very long is take around a millions years . it forms by an accumlation of gas and dust which collapse due to gravity and starts to form stars .

black hole formation process
image source - google | images by  - medium

A black hole formed by death of massive stars when such a star at his end when a star has exhausted the internal thermonuclear fuel in its core and know the core become unstable and gravitational collapse inward upon itself and star outer layer is blown away and than a black hole formed .  

In 2017 event horizon telescope obtained an image of the supermassive black at he center of m87 galaxy and the mass of that black hole is equal to six and half billion sun but is only 38 billion km across and the size of black hole image is three million time size of the earth

black hole real image
image source - google | images by  - © EHT Collaboration)

3. Does time exists in black hole ?

     According to newton time is absolute same everywhere in universe . but near a black hole , the slowing of time is extreme because black hole inside have high gravity and light can not pass from it black hole change the direction at 360 degree.  from outside time is stop in black hole . 
black hole image
black hole

4. What happen if you fall into a back hole ?

       Its possible to person fall into black hall human has been searching for his new home in space for this , human will cover many long distance in space . If you fall into a black hole no matter what type of black hole you fall into , you are ultimately suffering from a extreme gravity . No human body can survive . There is no way to come out from black hole . 

if human fall into black hole


 5. What would happen if earth into a black hole ?

       How much damage cause to the earth depends on how much its mass is and density . If a black hole size is equal to diameter of a coin so its equal to our earth is mass . As compare to its gravitational pull is 1 billion times more . In such a situation earth will start to orbit around black hole instead of directly falling into black hole . During , the process small - small pieces of earth will get inside black hole. 

black hole hits the earth

 In order to protect our self , the rotation of the earth has been slow . The mass of black hole is double after swallowing the earth . Suprisingly , black hole kill the existence of earth but will not attract the moon . The difference will make the moon orbital elliptical . Thankfully , we are many light years away from the black hole.  

6. What happen if  two black hole collide ?

       I am writing What happen if two black hole is collide with an example A is a black hole located 10 billion light years away this is a ultramassive black hole with mass 66 billion times of the sun and 26000 light years away B black hole and its diameter is 44 million km and mass is 4 millions times of sun so if the collide as these black hole get closer . they will starting swirling each other and quickly begin loosing their energy .

two back hole collide

  They will release big gravitational waves that can be measured through out space but as the time passes by they will continue to get closer and finally at one instant of time they will merge is form one black hole . 

7. What if a mini black hole hit the sun .

black hole hit the sun

Our sun is a medium sized . Its mass is 2 nonillion kilogram and diameter of 1.4 million km . So if a mini black hole hit the sun which has the same mass of as sun and diameter of of only  6 km . As a black hole approached the sun and its speed will rapidly increased once black hole get closed to our sun will start loosing matter finally when its hits the sun . Sun will get shattered into pieces & eventually fall into the black hole . 

8. what will happen to black hole when universe end ? 

     So judging from the large numbers of stars . We can estimate the total number of black hole scientists estimate that in our galaxy alone . There are roughly 100 millions black holes and most of them are stellar black hole .  


 In the universe there are two trillion galaxy means that could be 100 quintillion black holes in universe so what will happen to them when universe dies .

According to stephen hawking theory . Due to quantam effect near event horizon black holes slowly radiates away in form of howking radiations . Due to this effect , they get weaker with time in 1 viginitllion  years from now black holes that are 3 time massive than sun will gwt radiated remaining black hole such as TON 618. They will take googal years to radiate away in 10^10^76 years from now no black hole remain in universe. 


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